Saturday, June 21, 2014


I had an amazing day. It started with being published, and ended with my realizing I didn't take a single photograph all day for the first day since I've been here. I finally had like a true day off and it was wonderful. Wonderful. Ahhh so great. It deserves a really good blog post though. Hang in there for my stories please! I'm in love with Nepal all over again, and I'm so happy about it. I didn't eat any dhal bhat today and I had an amazing day with amazing friends! I have to save my stories for another longer post which will hopefully encapsulate all of my anger, frustrations, love, and great experiences of the last week pretty much. Sorry again but I'm waring myself so thin everyday trying to soak it all up!

check out my name!


  1. Sounds like you are feeling better, did the allergy medicine work? Remember to get some good rest and take care of yourself, no stress.

  2. Glad to hear you are getting credit for your pictures. Looking forward to the stories....writing as you do, from the heart, with all the emotions/thoughts etc is so interesting....feels like I'm right there with you, Namaste, gmagries
