Sunday, June 8, 2014

A long day and some Benedryl

So many stories from today. The stories include a new girl showing up with Benedryl. After a week of itchy watery eyes, an itchy throat, and sneezing all curtesy of Tommy, Benedryl is the Holy Grail. On that note... good night. Many stories to come.


  1. Am enjoying your daily messages about your time over there in Nepal. You certainly seem to be enjoying the people, the culture and the area. Hope everything continues well for you.
    Papa Dale

    1. Thanks Papa! I am enjoying myself, its quite the adventure!

  2. If it makes you feel better i have the same allergies this week and no Tommy dog to make my allergies worse-----thank goodness. Benedryl usually makes one very sleepy so i hope you either had the non-sleepy kind or took it at night. Anyway love your letters :) We were "up north" this week so i had no computer to check out your wonderful notes. Love you, grannnnny
