Saturday, July 12, 2014

Chitwan- Pause.

Today was one of the best days of my life- but- I have to press pause. Because this day was soooo beyond epic- I feel it needs an epic blog post, and some uploaded photos to go along with it- andddd it just so happens that days that are one of the best of your entire life- make you tired. And so-I'm  exhausted and I cannot possibly do this day justice through a blog post written in my delirium sooooo, for now pause- I will post about this magnificent day. Promise.


  1. Waiting with baited breath.....cannot wait to hear about it.....we're having a pretty "epic" day here with three people you love very much, so can you top that? Hey? I don't think you, gmagries

  2. First you bring up food, then you bring up three of my absolute favorite people on the planet, sheesh grandma no need to brag about how lucky you are! hahahaha ;) I am very jealous though, hope you are all five having a great time together, plus the pups! <3
