Monday, June 23, 2014

Nepali Yogurt

Today I tried Nepali yogurt. Let me take you on a ride with your imagination to help you grasp what I willingly put in my body today.

Take a clear thin plastic cup.
Got it?

Now pour some milk into it.

Step away from the cup... in fact... let it sit say I don't know a week or two weeks or so.

Come back to your cup. Do you have curdled milk? Un-refridgerated curdled milk? Yes, yes you do. A big white clump in the middle surrounded by clear liquid.

Now take a spoon, put some of your concoction on your spoon. Now slowly and hesitantly put it up to your mouth, open your lips and swallow.

Yep. Nepali Yogurt.

In all fairness it didn't taste bad at all, a little sweet sort of. It was just that looking at it and thinking about the journey it'd been on since the cow... well it was hard to swallow. I even mentioned to Ram that I felt like Andrew Zimmerman, he had no idea what I was talking about, as per usual.


  1. I use to make Yogurt :) i had a little incubator (200 degrees) that you put the milk in little jars for 24 hr, the yogurt came out thicker then what you ate---probably the same recipe---ha, ha, just sounds like Nepali yogurt sat out longer to thicken :) just had to let you know my yogurt recipe---sounds like your taste buds are wondering what is going on :) hugs, grannnny

  2. Forgot to tell you your photo's are WONDERFUL !!

  3. Have you ever been to a yogurt factory in the us? me neither, but I suspect yogurt is always made the same exact way.....yuck! I'll just have a McDonald's milkshake instead....chocolate please. gma gries

  4. What's the big deal? We've had that in our fridge before and you probably drank it in your cereal! lol!

  5. If it sits a little longer will it turn into tofu? dad

    1. I also love you so much for this :) hahahahaha

  6. Now that you've tried the "yogurt" you simply MUST have the Tawkhaa. steve ;-)

    1. I think I'm going to have to pass on the Tawkhaa... really though could anything possibly sound any worse?
